TED KENNEDY: Historic Speech @ Denver Convention
Back8.25.08 Sen. Ted Kennedy, recently undergoing surgery for a brain tumor, made a surprise speech to the Democratic Convention in Denver
Channel: News & Politics
Uploaded: August 25, 2008 at 8:54 pm
Author: Politicstv
Length: 00:10:01
Rating: 4.62
Views: 69890
Tags: caroline Ted kennedy obama denver democrats convention2008 2008Conventions Denver DNC
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Video Comments:
AzOutLawz9 (November 30, 2008 at 8:10 pm)
you idiots must love child rapist as ted kennedy is well known for that crap..but does the people who keep him in office care ??? hell no they would hand thier own children to that sick fuck
cdp1188 (November 30, 2008 at 9:09 am)
You know we can go back and forth of this stupid shit all day but bottom line is that I chose my ways and you chose yours. I dont need to prove anything to you. You aren't above me. Your just another person surfing the web.
illini01s (November 28, 2008 at 4:15 pm)
I'll even give u another example cdp1188. Remember when I gave u SPECIFIC SOURCES to prove that Conservatism was founded in Europe? And u were still so adamant that Conservatism was founded in the U.S.? Well you NEVER cited A SINGLE SOURCE to back that up either. So i'll ask u again. Prove that Conservatism was founded in the U.S. Your words alone don't count. CITE SOME SOURCES TO PROVE IT.
illini01s (November 28, 2008 at 4:11 pm)
Um cpd1188, did you not read my last post that contained YOUR OWN WORDS? I asked u REPEATEDLY to back those up. I asked u REPEATEDLY to prove that the country was going "to the Right." You were adamant that the Repubs would win. I asked u to cite polls and sources to prove it and U NEVER DID. U need to stop lying cdp1188. You know what u've said in the past. Go look at your past posts and show me JUST ONE SOURCE THAT YOU HAVE CITED.
cdp1188 (November 28, 2008 at 10:49 am)
I have asked you over and over to bring up something I said that you think I haven't backed up and you have failed every time. Complete fucking losers you two are. I bet you two play spin the bottle too.
cdp1188 (November 28, 2008 at 10:48 am)
You have no sympathy from the people here when you support a murderer.
illini01s (November 27, 2008 at 2:51 pm)
A few of YOUR past posts cdp1188. "Sarah will be the first White woman as president. And the Obama camp is still baffled on how to deal w/ her." Here's another, "Fed up w/ republicans?LOL Your quite wrong." The voters clearly proved U wrong. And here's another, "the people of this country have now saw what the left wing does when it gets into power and if the future of the government is going anywhere its to the Right." U said this well before the election, and the voters proved u wrong again.
illini01s (November 27, 2008 at 2:37 pm)
Actually cdp1188, you are sadder than anyone, because you can't do the simple task of backing up your own statements. As far as going from thread to thread. Aren't u the one who is obsessed w/ going to every Ted Kennedy or Al Gore thread available in order to post comments? I mean, look at how many posts u have compared to mine. It's pretty telling, cdp1188. Sounds like u have a lot more time on your hands than I do. I am a dentist, by the way.
brownbrother12 (November 27, 2008 at 2:16 pm)
cdp1188, all u have to do is look at your past posts to know how much credibility u lack. And now you are BLATANTLY lying. You DID NOT say you would be laughing "post election". U said you would be laughing at everyone after McCain won. You said "if this country is moving in any direction, it is to the right." THOSE ARE YOUR WORDS CDP1188. And you said them before the election. There are plenty of other examples of you ignoring clear facts. What's sad is that u can never back up what u say.
seattle0002 (November 26, 2008 at 10:18 am)
Ted Kennedy is a murderer who left a woman for dead after driving off a bridge. Look it up. Ya, what a great American!!!
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