Amy Winehouse - Rock in Rio 2008 - some bizarre moments


Original version. In high quality.
Amy Winehouse - Rock in Rio 2008 Lisboa- some bizarre moments/ alguns momentos bizarros
a video from SIC Notícias

no intention of making fun of someone
I just uploaded this video report, no editing from me

"Amy was visibly nervous, (...) For the first 3 songs you just couldn't understand a word she was singing and she kept herself busy trying to understand how to fix the height of the microphone. WTF!

Amy complains she can't play the guitar cause she has some kind of injury in her right wrist... she can barely hold the guitar's weight! She finally actually attempts to play the guitar...

Crash and burn... Amy is NOT singing... she is high... the show has no rhythm... total disappointment!!

Amy gets emotional and babbles something to the crow (or to Blake) - "you love me but I'm such a mess" then starts to sing 'Love is a Losing Game' and cries... crowd goes wild calling out her name...

Amy asks for the crowd to make some noise for her and her husband Blake's first year anniversary. She confesses she just saw him today and that Blake will be home in a couple of weeks!

OMG Amy falls on stage!!!! There are always assistances ready to help her with everything and she can't keep herself upright! Damn high heels and crack! Well at least now we can understand what she is singing!

Ah ah! Amy says Lenny Kravitz (next act on stage tonight) will fall on stage too! She says "well he probably won't but if Lenny falls on stage he would be embarrassed and I'm not!" Go Amy!!! Rock that stage!!

Now Amy says her voice is terrible and she should have cancelled! She didn't cause she wanted to be in Lisbon so much!! That's a good way to win a crowd!

OMG!! Amy forgot the lyrics to Rehab... just invented some new ones!

Amy keeps drinking wine during her whole performance... it's finally her last song 'Valerie'... what a disappointment!!

OK, if it wasn't for her backup singers Amy would have no show! It was the most embarrassing 50 minutes of music industry!"
not signed

"Rock in Rio: Afónica e alcoolizada, Amy Winehouse actuou num recinto esgotado

Lisboa, 31 Mai (Lusa) - De copo na mão, rouca e a desculpar-se pelo atraso, Amy Winehouse actuou, sexta-feira à noite, no festival Rock in Rio-Lisboa, perante 90 mil pessoas, num Parque da Bela Vista esgotado.

Mais de meia hora depois do previsto, Amy entrou em palco ao rufar dos tambores.

Acompanhada de seis músicos e dois vocalistas, Amy Winehouse demorou apenas 50 minutos para interpretar pouco mais de dez temas retirados dos seus dois álbuns, numa sequência que "furou" o alinhamento inicialmente previsto.

Amy Winehouse, que deu o primeiro grande concerto em vários meses, pediu desculpa por estar afónica, admitiu que devia ter cancelado o concerto mas agradeceu o facto de ter estado perante quase cem mil pessoas.

Ao longo da actuação, a cantora esqueceu-se das letras, improvisou, tentou tocar guitarra, dançou e quase caiu, comeu, bebeu e chorou quando interpretou "Love is a losing game" e anunciou que o marido, que se encontra preso, irá em breve para casa.

De figura frágil, franzina, Amy Winehouse exibia um gancho no cabelo em forma de coração e com a palavra "Blake" (o nome do marido), um hematoma no pescoço e a mão direita envolta numa ligadura, que a impedia de pegar no microfone.

O público, que marcou massivamente presença para a ver pela primeira vez ao vivo, nem sempre reagiu às canções de Amy, com excepção para êxitos como "Back to Black", "Tears dry on their own" ou "Rehab".

Apesar da imprevisibilidade, valeu a Amy Winehouse a excelência dos músicos que a acompanharam e que interpretaram por exemplo, fora do previsto, o tema "A message to you Rudy".

© 2008 LUSA - Agência de Notícias de Portugal, S.A.
2008-05-31 00:05:03

Channel: Music
Uploaded: May 30, 2008 at 9:08 pm
Author: TygoS

Length: 00:03:18
Rating: 4.01
Views: 1496860

Tags: Amy Winehouse Rock in Rio 2008 Lisboa Lisbon bizarre live need rehab

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Video Comments:
michellechst (December 2, 2008 at 8:39 pm)
The worst is that thing on her hair that says "Blake".
I love her anyway.
pclemons4 (December 1, 2008 at 12:17 pm)
i agree, but Amy Winehouse is one of the VERY FEW artists that writes her own music, and good music at that. She is an amazing songwriter and when she sings you can FEEL it. Not many people can do that.
It's Just a shame that she's probably the biggest junkie in music.
But with the objective of being...well, objective, I separate how I feel about her personal lifestyle from how I feel about her music. I think her music is a godsend to the music industry now,but her habits are atrocious.
bryanjhonson (December 1, 2008 at 6:55 am)
tem que processar a cigana que disse que ela sabe cantar...kkkkkk
ferzinXD (November 30, 2008 at 6:03 pm)
vc se transformou num ***** sabe oque ne mais vale a pena ouvirr as musicas dela
ferr3t (November 30, 2008 at 5:00 pm)
what a fuck up
Clarinder19 (November 29, 2008 at 6:11 pm)
she was good @ one point...
oh man.. i feel sorry for her.
jocafofocas (November 29, 2008 at 8:27 am)
eu nao sou fa mas ouço as musicas dela quando estao tocando na radio ou as procuro as vezes no youtube,mas se eu tivesse pagado pra ir a este show e ela fizesse esta merda eu juro que pedia meu dinheiro de volta e problema dela curtir droga ela tem de ter respeito pelo menos caralho o filha da puta desgracada hehehehehehehe
mas ela e boa mesmo (as musicas)
carlosthebest80 (November 28, 2008 at 8:52 am)
CriticalArchitect (November 27, 2008 at 8:13 am)
it's such shame this peice of trash gets paid so much to do what she absolute embarrassment to humanity....No respect here!!
cybertron71289 (November 28, 2008 at 9:03 pm)