Rape of Nanking Nanjing Massacre Part I Atrocities in Asia


Rape of Nanking - Nanjing Massacre. Japanse Atrocities in Asia. Part I of 2. This documentary is based on 20 years research and consists entirely of archival photos and film-clips. This film begins with an overview of Japan and China at the beginning of the 20th Century, explains the mind-set of the Japanese and their God, Hirohito, and then continues with the invasion of China, the crimes committed by the Japanese (during the Fall) on the road to Nanjing, Nanjing Massacre, the rape of the Philipines, Unit 731, the Baatan death camps, Japanese denials, and the dropping of the A-bomb on Japan.

The purpose of this film is educational, and to explain the mind-set that led to a horrible crime: the torture and murder of 280,000 civilians by Japanese soldiers who took great pleasure in raping, bayonetting, beheading and burning people alive. We wish to emphasize: These crimes took place throughout Asia, and the Japanese planned the same for the White races as well, including America.

Those who do not learn from the past, are condemned to repeat it. The purpose of this film is, thus, educational. We have no hatred for the Japanese people.

This documentary is an independent production. We are not associated with and never received any financial help from the Chinese government or any group or organization. The film is completely independent. We have no political motives. We have no purpose and no other goal other than to create an interesting, provocative, educational movie that speaks to the mind and intellect, and which can speak to the heart and one'e emotions.

Credits: The English edition is narrated by Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D.. The film was produced, written, and edited by Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D. Additional Credits: Music. The musical soundtrack (all music is identified at the end of the film) was arranged and selected by R. Joseph, Ph.D., and was reproduced in this film courtesy of Arc Music Productions Int., LTD, United Kingdom; Nonsuch Records, Warner Music Group, Rhino Entertainment, New York. Sony Classical Music, New York.

ABOUT THE COMMENTS POSTED: We are amazed at all the hatred posted by Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Americas, etc. etc.--hatred, most which has nothing to do with this film. We would prefer to see intelligent dialogue; or at least, clever insults. But this raw hatred? Hatred is a cancer, an irrational disease of the mind. Let us have intelligent debate, sarcastic commentary, irony, pathos...enlighten us, amaze us, make the reader think and question, but, please stop with the hate.

Channel: Entertainment
Uploaded: November 18, 2006 at 7:49 pm
Author: Sarastarlight

Length: 00:34:05
Rating: 4.36
Views: 530000

Tags: Nanjing Massacre Rape of Nanking Japan China Chang World War II Photo Film Movies Atrocities Comfort Women Sex

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Video Comments:
hrozvitnir (August 24, 2007 at 11:38 am)
At that time, it was lawful for the comfort place.
Moreover, the mediation trader who had compelled to go to the comfort place found
guilty by the trial.
Moreover, the comfort woman of the South Korean who was insisting compulsion
voluntarily says, "Hide oneself in the army".
At that time, the character slave change was illegal.
It might be a crime by not a Japanese army for compulsion but the mediation

Are we telling stories other than the Nanjing event with and what?
JapsWarCriminals (August 24, 2007 at 11:33 am)

The Battle for Australia Historical Society presents an illustrated history of the Japanese attack on Australia in 1942

ht tp://ww w.users.bigpond.c om/battleforAustralia/index.h t ml
JapsWarCriminals (August 24, 2007 at 11:29 am)
Comfort Women: A Web Reference

Links to items about the women who were held in sexual slavery
by the Japanese Imperial Army during World War II.
Jerry D. Boucher and Chunghee Sarah Soh

ht tp://online.sfsu.e du/~soh/cw-links.h tm
JapsWarCriminals (August 24, 2007 at 11:24 am)
Japan's Crimes Against Humanity

Why Japan's Hitler, Hirohito, Not Hanged?

htt p://ww w.kimsoft.c om/kr-japan.h tm
hrozvitnir (August 24, 2007 at 11:21 am)
731 is a creation by the communist.
It was serialized in the red flag Sunday edition of the Japan Communist Party organization paper in 1980's, and it was published back as a book by Kobunsha Publishing. The book became a best-seller.
JapsWarCriminals (August 24, 2007 at 11:19 am)
World War II in the Pacific
Japanese Unit 731
Biological Warfare Unit

ht tp://ww w.ww 2pacific.c om/unit731.h t m l
JapsWarCriminals (August 24, 2007 at 11:17 am)
World War II in the Pacific

Japanese Unit 731

Biological Warfare Unit

ht tp://ww w.ww2pacific.c om/unit731.h t ml
hrozvitnir (August 24, 2007 at 11:14 am)
After all, is it money?Money is a country of of favorite Tuu person. Though it
is communism.
JapsWarCriminals (August 24, 2007 at 11:14 am)
The Asian Auschwitz of Unit 731
August 29 2002

It was a secret Japanese military unit that used Chinese prisoners for gruesome medical experiments. Years later, Japanese authorities are still in denial. Shane Green reports.

htt p://ww w.theage.c om.a u/articles/2002/08/28/1030508070534.h t ml
hrozvitnir (August 24, 2007 at 11:11 am)
Mother and removing of source.
JapsWarCriminals (August 24, 2007 at 11:10 am)
Otherwise, their victims and families, basing on international laws and resolutions of the United Nations and backed up by millions of Chinese, Asians, and peace-loving people of the world, would take their case to the Japanese and international courts so as to attest that law and morality does exist in the human world.
JapsWarCriminals (August 24, 2007 at 11:10 am)
In so doing, not only can their souls be saved; in the meantime, they make the least contributions to their posterity and human society, while preserving history and maintaining truth and justice.
JapsWarCriminals (August 24, 2007 at 11:08 am)
Hundreds of doctors of the former Unit 731 are still practicing or living in retirement in Japan today. We earnestly hope that in their lifetime they could come to terms with the horrendous atrocities they had continued by pleading for forgiveness and making apology to their victims and their bereaved families as well as preparing to pay them fair monetary compensations.
JapsWarCriminals (August 24, 2007 at 11:07 am)
Without a shadow of doubt, Ishii's crimes had far exceeded those committed by the infamous Nazi doctor Josef Mengele for conducting human experiments, while Unit 731 had murdered the people many times the number of Jews, Gypsies, Polish, and Russians killed by the Nazi doctors!
JapsWarCriminals (August 24, 2007 at 11:07 am)
All Killers of "Human Experimentation" At Large. Another colossal mistake the Tokyo Trial made was that the U.S. government and Supreme Commander MacArthur struck a deal with Lt. Gen. Ishii Shiro, former commander of Japanese biological warfare Unit 73 1, that he and all members of Unit 731 were to be exonerated from war crimes in exchange for data they had acquired through human experimentation of many thousands of Chinese, Koreans, Soviets, and even U.S. POWs.
JapsWarCriminals (August 24, 2007 at 11:02 am)
The Tokyo Trial also was overshadowed by the Chinese civil war and the imminent Cold War that engulfed the American-Soviet relations. All this led to the Trial of the Class A war criminals unfinished and a hasty close of the Trial.
JapsWarCriminals (August 24, 2007 at 10:59 am)
The Moscow Conference of foreign ministers of the big four, Britain, China, the Soviet Union and U.S. decided the tribunal would be established at Tokyo. In January 1946, General Douglas MacArthur approved its charter to formally inaugurate the Tribunal. Although the United States played a major role in both the Nuremberg and Tokyo Trials, having had her legal views and opinions well pronounced, she virtually dominated the latter, in which her policy toward Japan took precedence.

NukedJapCrap (August 24, 2007 at 10:59 am)
what tomas means is that japan also invaded (and occupied) korea, so if anybody has doubt about the nanjing massacre, they should ask the koreans what japan did to them.
hrozvitnir (August 24, 2007 at 11:03 am)
Because the South Korean doesn't trust it, I am hated.
They treat Japan as an enemy country.
Even if it asks the South Korean, it is similar to Chinese or will obtain only a
more emotional opinion.
JapsWarCriminals (August 24, 2007 at 10:58 am)
U.S. State Department adopted the "Policy of Arrest and Punishment of War Criminals in the Far East," with which it notified the Supreme Command of the Allied Powers (SCAP) and 8 nations (Australia, Britain, Canada, China, France, Netherlands, New Zealand, the Soviet Union, and the United States) to organize the tribunal.